duminică, 15 mai 2011

Ultima saptamana

Maine incep ultima saptamana de scoala... Nu credeam ca o sa se termine asa repede liceul...
Ma gandeam, sau mai degraba visam la finalul liceului, sa fie ca finalul unui serial de comedie...
sa raman ultimul in clasa... colega mea sa imi spuna "hai"... iar eu sa ii spun "vin imediat"...apoi...
Sa imi reamintesc toate lucrurile prin care am trecut, si in fundal sa se auda o melodie daia de serial. Sa pun fiecare scaun deasupra mesei, ca la restaurant... sa scriu pe tabla "La revedere" si sa inchid lumina inainte sa inchid si usa...
Nu cred ca se va intampla asa...

KMS Preussen

Marseille 1943

The war is not going as well as we had hopped. So the Fuhrer has sent me to Marseille to oversee the construction of a new ship, the KMS Preussen. I am going to be it's new captain once it's finalized.

... three months ago... back in Berlin
A young man wearing a Kriegsmarine uniform waited in a hall outside the Fuhrer's office.
The door opened... you may enter know captain, said a tall man... He was Karl Donitz, Admiral and Commander of the notorious Wolfpacks...
one I have entered Hitler looked at me, analyzing me from head to toe.
- Hello Captain... you may sit... said the Fuhrer...
- Here, in this suitcase are plans for a new battleship... said Admiral Donitz...
I looked at the small suitcase that was sitting on the desk and didn't know what to think...
- Captain I am impressed by your actions in the last battles...
- I just did my duty, mein fuhrer...
- Don't be modest, alone against several British ships. The Royal Navy outnumbers us several times to one. Germany needs more captains like you... but something more important waits for you. A new ship will be constructed in Marseille, and you will be the new supervisor. As a bonus you will be put in charge or the new battleship...
After a long talk with the Fuhrer I left with the admiral towards Marseille...