sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2011

Albert Wolfmann and the Geheimnis Box

Chapter 2

I found myself in a huge underground bunker in Berlin... all alone. How I hate being alone, and especially with fighting above. I had to go outside for food and supplies, Russian soldiers where in the hundreds... I had to make my way using force...
I made "friends" with some soldiers that were surviving through the rubble of Berlin. I reached the Reichstag, the Leibstandarte was defending the building for over a week against several big incursions...
A few minutes after we arrived at the Reichstag a big Russian wave of soldiers assaulted the building. We stood our ground but suffered heavy losses.
I took a platoon under my command and made our way to the tunnels, we prepared therm with dynamite.
As night came the Reichstag was encircled thousands and thousands of Russians soldiers... we where only a hand full left...
The Russians assaulted the building from all sides... we stood our ground but they occupied room by room and pushed us back. A group of volunteers occupied key points in the Reichstag so the rest could escape through the tunnels...
A few hours later as we where a few miles away watching the Reichstag burning in flames...
Fighting was still heard, the Leibstandarte fought until the last man... they truly kept their word to defend Germany until death...
I went back in the bunker... a soldier took me into a room where he showed me a film...

Albert Wolfmann and the Geheimnis Box

Chapter 1

My name is Albert Wolfmann, I am and was a soldier in the Waffen SS. My division was top secret, Schwarzen Adler... we where assigned all the tough assignments. At the end of the war in 1945 Himmler called us back to Wewelsburg castle.
A few days after that the Americans attacked, we where encircled. Himmler personally loaded a Kübelwagen with a few wooden boxes marked top secret.
The Americans pushed fast towards the castle, my platoon was given orders to protect the car until it could depart.
Himmler left very fast and ordered that the Kübelwagen get to Berlin. He will leave north to get the Americans to follow so we could get safe to Berlin.
The driver was shot, my partners where getting shot... I didn't know what to do, so I got behind the wheel and drove as fast as I could onto Berlin.
After a few miles I stopped, looked behind and sow the castle in flames, but I could still hear gun shots... I couldn't stand the fact that I must leave a battle, but these where my orders.
I reached Berlin a few days before the fighting began... The city was in rubble, I left the car because it didn't have gas any more...
I made my way to the Fuhrer's bunker, Himmler left special orders for me to get a small box to Hitler.
Night came in Berlin and I could hear the Russian artillery, I was afraid, from what I had heard from a soldier our defends represents only 40,000 soldiers and the Russians are coming in the million.
I got to the bunker about midnight, the Fuhrer padded me on the shoulder and invited me to attend his wedding with Eva Broun.
After the wedding, he took me to his office and told me:
- I, we dreamed things so big... and know look we are losing.
- My Fuhrer we will defend Berlin to the last man. I said
- Be realistic we lost the war, and you know it. What is in this box could change the world... and he opened the small box, I couldn't see what was inside... the only thing I had seen was a bright light.
- My Fuhrer what are my orders?
He closed the box and said... I have only one order take this box, go to a bunker on this address. There you will hide, protect the box... I will leave Berlin... I can't take the box with me...
You must organize a resistance, protect the population from these barbarian oppressors.
- My Fuhrer, I will try...
that was the first and last time I saw the Fuhrer, he left with a plane towards Denmark... I thing he will take a submarine... but where...?
I walked a few streets, got through the rubble and made my way into a bunker...

Cu cateva nopti in urma

Eram singur, ma intorceam de la cumparaturi... cand deodata imi suna telefonu...era ea, persoana care ma marcase mult in acesti ultimi doi ani...raspund... si inima incepe sa imi bata nebuneste...
-ce faci mai?
-bine, tu ce faci? o intrem eu
-pai uite acasa, ma intrebam ce faci... cum a mers la Breaza?
-Respins...doar atat am zis si deodata m am intristat...
-Imi pare rau...spune ea pe un ton trist, apoi ofteaza... eu plec...
-Unde? o intreb eu repede...
-In italia...
-Offff, ce pot spune, ai grija de tine nu mi ar place sa aud peste catva timp ca ai patit ceva...
-Am nu mai fii asa ingrijorat...
-Pai si ce o sa faci acolo. o intreb eu pe un tot apasat si serios
-Nu stiu, vad eu. Deocamdata matusa mia gasit un post la ea... se aude ploaie unde esti ca in Bucuresti nu ploua... ma intreaba ea
-Sunt acasa in Calarasi... in seara asta dorm la varamea maine ma intorc in Bucuresti...
-Pai cam atat am vrut sa iti spun, trebuie sa plec...
-Bine mai, vezi ce faci ai grija de tine...
-Si tu la fel.. pa pa pa
-Pa pa
Incepuse sa ploua marunt dar continu si mai aveam atat de mult de mers pe jos pana la verisoara mea... Eram trist, nu stiu de ce dar eram, ma despartisem de atata timp de ea si tot ma afectat atat de mult ce facea...
Suna telefonu verisoara mea... ma mai linistesc nitel...

vineri, 29 aprilie 2011

Singur pe banca

Eram inapoi acasa, dar ma pierdusem... si imi era frica...
Ma intrebam de ce imi era frica... acum cateva zile...
O amica buna mia sugerat posibilitatea singuratatii...
Si mai mult ca sigur are dreptate...
Nu m am adaptat foarte bine cu Bucurestiu... mai bine zis deloc... si am pierdut orce legatura cu Calarasi...
Sunt ca un strain, cel putin asa ma simt...
Ma uitam la telefon si din atatea cunostinte doar pe o persoana am sunat, un coleg...
Cat de multe se schimba intr un an...
In urma cu cateva luni bune aveam si prietena, cativa amici si viata avea o directie buna...
Nici nu am simtit cum totul mia scapat printre degete...
Dar sunt optimist ca din cenusa va renaste ceva...
Probabil e mai bine sa nu le simt disparitia, pentru ca nu voi trece prin acele perioade de durere si regret...
As mai zice atat de multe dar nu pot sa le scriu... cel putin deocamdata...

miercuri, 27 aprilie 2011

Oare de ce ?

Inteleg frica, cel putin asa credeam pana acum...
M am gasit inapoi acasa in Calarasi, eram la autogara deabea coborase... am facut pasi marunti pe Strada Bucuresti minute bune pana sa imi dau seama ca am mers prea mult...
Ma pierdusem, de ce oare? nu stiu de ce dar ma pierdusem pentru un moment...
Eram singur inapoi acasa intr un oras pe care nu il mai recunosteam si fata de care nu mai simteam nimic... Ma simteam ca un strain intr o tara noua de la celalalt capat al lumi, ca un explorator din vechime care se aventura intr un taram necunoscut...
Am decis inainte sa merg acasa sa ma plimb putin pe cheiu din port...
Eram plictisit, speriat, nu mai puteam sa respir, nici un gand nu mai imi circula prin minte, cerul era senin...
M am pus jos pe o banca si ma uitam la Dunare, nici imaginatia nu mai imi zbura in 7 directii...
Eram obosit si ma cumprinse o frica necunoscuta si nejustificata...
Inima imi batea necontrola, mainile sloi de geata mi se facura... ceru se intuneca si ploaia incepu... Ma intreb in sinea mea ... Oare de ce imi era frica ?

vineri, 22 aprilie 2011

joi, 21 aprilie 2011

X Files

I don't know how to start, this is my biggest flaw.
I feel like Mulder without a Scully, all alone fighting, searching, observing the unknown.
Like the Doctor I am cursed to travel through life alone, having friends for a while, for a moment, just to torture me so I don't forget how pain feels like.