vineri, 6 mai 2011


As the first rays of sunlight are passing through the leaves, unveiling the tranquility of a wonderful morning, we find ourselves in this magnificent city of San Francisco, following the steps of a young writer on his first project. The sun is rising, the wind is blowing and our character is to be found in the Golden Gate Park. Nicely dressed, with a dossier full of documents under his arm, with his head full of thoughts, he is walking towards his childhood hero’s home.Constantly arranging his tie, you can read on his face that he is nervous. He rings the doorbell and waits for a while.

A beautiful blond miss opens the door,she had bewitching blue eyes that reminded him of the sea, she asks him whom he is he looking for. He put his emotions aside and requests to see his hero. The lovely miss leads him through a long hallway full of family pictures, medals and artifacts to an amazing garden. There he finds an old man in his 80’ playing with his grandson. With emotions through the roof our writer starts to walk towards his hero.

- Good Morning Sir, my name is Thomas Hemingway. I wrote to you about the book I am going to write, your biography.

-Well,a good morning to you too. Please, don’t Sir me,just call me John. Let me just take my grandson inside and we will talkat the back of the garden, near the fountain.

Our writer is strolling towards the back of thegarden,passing by a beautiful pond with lilies of all colors, when suddenly, between the trees, spots a beautifulfountain that resembles the Enterprise.

-So you found my little corner of Eden.

-Yes, it’s very beautiful, heavenly.

-Sit down, let’s talk. I accepted your proposal to write a biography of my life, the events that I have lived, because you were sincere in your letter. I don’t like all these top writes.

-I thank you, and as I told you in my letter this is my first work...

-Well this is why I accepted you as the one to write my biography. These experienced writers, they all tell stories not facts.

-And you would likeyour biography to be written by a person that would present the facts as they are.

-Yes, I don’t want to become a thing of worship.

-So, where do we start?

-Well certainly not with “Once upon a time ...”

-Certainly not. He leaned forward and put his hands together.You are regarded as one of the best captains ever to command a starship. I am here to know what you think, what is your opinion on your life.The events that took place, if you regret something of what you did.

- Well there are so many thing I don’t know where to begin.

-Let’s start with the beginning, your childhood. What do you thing triggered your fascination towards Starfleet?

-It all started when I was...

Weekend on the horizon

A venit weekendul... as vrea sa fac atatea dar nu am timp si bani... lucrez la o haina de ceva timp si nu imi iese... as scrie ceva dar... nu stiu cum sa explic... nu am inspiratie... sau stare... ar spune uni... eu spun simplu nu am idei... nu stiu cum sa incep... cum sa scriu, sau cum sa continui... voi publica ceva pe blog... nu este terminat, sau finisat, sau imbunatatit prea mult dar ma voi stradui... am o poveste inceputa de mai bine de 6 luni... e cam intortocheata... dar... sper sa fie buna...
Nu am mai postat nimic ieri asa ca o sa includ ziua de ieri in jurnalul de azi...
Joi m am trezit putin obosit... nu am mai apucat sa ma uit la meci, m am intristat cand am aflat ca echipa germana a pierdut... scoala a fost monotona ... doar o singura ora si aceea plictisitoare... joia am practica asa ca nu prea facem mai mult de 2-3 ore... apoi am fost la tatal meu la servici... uriasa hala de la Titan Echipamente Nucleare... ce pacat ca a trebuit sa las telefonu la intrare ca as fii facut atatea poze
Vinerii a inceput normal... m am intalnit cu amicul meu in statia de tramvai... la scoala am incercat sa dezbat ezoterism sau alte religi cu profa de religie dar nu a frut... apoi am dat teza la romana... and then home... pe drumu spre casa m am oprit cu amicul meu si inca un coleg la o biblioteca... nu am gasit nimic interesant... amicu meu si a luat o carte despre razboi ... iar colegu un roman politist... mai nou as dori sa citesc o carte de dragoste pentru ca o amica mia deschis apetitu datorita unei povesti pe care o scrie...
inca nu sa terminat vinerii ... dar cred ca nu o sa se mai intample ceva extraordinar... sau cine stie... ma voi apuca de capitolul 13 de la povestea de dragoste a amicei mele... sunt sigur ca va fii placut ...